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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-10 || 8:41 a.m.

Oh, God...need coffee...passing out...

Hold on, let me go get some and I will make an effort to write an entry that is somewhat interesting.

Ok, I am back and starting to feel the effects of office coffee. I swear tney put something in the coffee. I only need a few sips and I can last the whole day. It is probably speed.

I witnessed something very beautiful last night. My mother was melting butter in a glass measuring cup over an open flame. Of course the glass broke, and the tiny glass pieces flew across the kitchen. It just looked like glitterly dust. At the sametime the glass broke, my mother was screaming out in shock and pain. It reminded me of a balance that exists in this world. In one shared moment, something beautiful and painful can happen at the sametime. It was kind of a peaceful moment for me.

luv, steph

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