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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-09 || 8:56 a.m.

It is very interesting to observe people at work will listening to music. Everyone suddenly has a rhythm and they are dancing with the papers they are faxing, typing, and coping. Even their conversations seem like they are singing along with the music. Bring my cd player to work was one of the best ideas I have ever had. It makes the work day seem more interesting and it lets me use my imagination to feel more special about my work environment.

Isn't it funny how certain music can make you feel like you are somewhere else? I am listening to Leona Naess right now and I can almost feel a San Francisco breeze on me right now. Everytime I listen to her music, I can automatically be placed by the Bay. I don't know, it is something about her ghostly and charming voice that perfectly sets the mood for a lazy San Fran day.

Oh, a lazy San Fran day is nothing like a lazy Vegas day.

luv, steph

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