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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-08 || 9:52 a.m.

Today, there is such a thick ring of smog around the Strip, I had to stop and wonder how much of that crap I am breathing in at this moment. It isn't a good thought, I will probably get some rare form of cancer or something. As I drove in on the freeway, I couldn't stop staring at that view. I am sure all the other drivers saw it too and we all glared at it. Pretty symbolic, I should think, as we all drove our cars in contribiting to the smog cause. It should just rain here. My pores are being sucked dry from the heat and I am constantly being drained from the sun.

Last night we had a "night on the town". We celebrated Andrea's last night in town and an early bday for me (she got me a Spongebob watch!!). We enjoyed dinner at Hamburger Mary's (the happenin' gay joint in town) and "improv" night at the Harrah's. Let me just say, the comedy show wasn't improv and it wasn't worth $27.95. Damn! We got sucked into a tourest trap with that one. We still had a few chuckles though. Thanks to my dad for letting us borrow his 2002 Corvete. It is fun to go to a hotel like the Harrah (aka "a seniors hangout") and get checked out.

Faster and faster, coming back home is becoming more like an actual vacation. I feel like I am somewhere in lingo with living at home and living at college. There isn't a settled place for myself. I will just continue to pack and bounce around until it is time to choose.

I was just at the denist and got my teeth cleaned. I love that clean feeling! They did bitch at me for not flossing enough. Seriously, who has time to floss properly?

luv, steph

Favorite Body Part of the Day

My Fingers!

because they help me left my cup of coffee to my mouth so I don't pass out at work. Thanks you fingers for helping me supply myself with delicious crack!

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