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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-06 || 5:30 p.m.

To all of you who know this feeling:

I forget how some people are cruel. I also forget how sensitive I am to things. I now know who those insensitive people are.

I never, not for one second, thought I over-reacted. I never, not for one second, thought I would be blamed for a problem that wasn't mine. I never, not for one second, thought the people I trusted would do this to me.

Selfish people know how to choose the sensitive ones. If you are a sensitive person, you will feel all the pain that is brought on by a situation. Then you will be called a "child" and that you "over-reacted". What is worse, "over-reacting" or under-reacting?

If you trust someone, it hurts ten times worse when they throw a problem at you and force you to learn a lesson from it. It hurts more to know that they were right about ONE thing: I did learn a lesson from it. I learned never to turn my back on them and never to let them know that I am hurt by them.

Maybe I shouldn't have cried for one minute or maybe I shouldn't have cried for two hours or maybe I shouldn't have stayed in a dark room or maybe I shouldn't be crying now. I do know that I shouldn't be under-reacting because they are hiding something much worse: the truth.

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