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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-06 || 3:01 p.m.

Was it just July 4th? I think it was.

That was an enjoyable day. Finally, got to met Wes' friend and I must say, I was quite impressed.

One person I wasn't impressed with was a creepy neighbor down the street. He works at Walmart and says the most inappropriate things. Here is what he told us as we left:

Creepy neighbor: "Hey, anytime you want to come over to my house and watch movies, I have like 109, I mean, 120 DVDS and an entertainment center."

Me: ::trying to hold back laughing and hurrying into the car::

As we left, my mother had a conversion with him:

Mother: "So, where is your entertainment center?"

Creepy neighbor: "In my room."

Mother: "So, do you have chairs in there or something?"

Creepy neighbor: "No, just my bed."

Ewwww!!! And he said this in front of all the other neighbors and my mother. I am going to keep a baseball bat and a can of mace next to my front door. I plan on protecting my body.

Later that night, we went to Jay's and got a little drunk. My sister got smashed and was SOOO entertaining! She didn't stop talking and was determined to remember everything that was going on. One thing she probably wants to forget is vomiting up BBQ chicken in the bathroom. I know I want to forget that.

Hmm, July 4th, 2002. New people, new security equipment, and the eye-tearing smell of BBQ chicken coming up the wrong way.

God Bless America!

luv, steph

p.s.- I also learned a very important lesson about fireworks. ALWAYS listen to your mother when she tells you to wear shoes when playing with fireworks. I burnt the bottom of my foot when I was dancing with my spirkler. But it is so hard pretending to be a ballernia with shoes on!!

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