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2002-07-03 || 1:00 p.m.

Well, you may have noticed something different in my diary. Yes, I put up pictures! Thanks to Andrea, the greatest crotchety old lady! (Ok, I have no idea how to spell that word, just sound it out kids)

This means that I have to take my diary more seriously from now on. Everyone sees the exposed and stunned pictures above. I am a new diary writer now!

Ok, I have this weird sense of guilt for not listening to my large collection of cds for a while. There is good music sitting there and I am not taking advantage of it. It is almost a waste and that is a sad thing to me.

luv, steph

*Favorite Body Part of the Day*

-my nose-

because I started a habit of rubbing the tip of my nose against my top lip. It feels so soft and it reminds me of being innocent. To you, I look like an idiot for doing it, but, to me, I feel a sense of joy for having a nose.

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