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Waiting Over Here









2002-07-01 || 10:05 a.m.

Hello reader,

Today, when I arrived at work, I didn't know how I got there. When I was driving, I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I had forgot I was driving. This is how I know I am in a routine in my life. My brain knows how to get to work without my concentration! This boggles my mind and now I can't seem to focus at work. I am so bored, but what else is new. I have grown to intensely enjoy the games on AOL, but the one that holds my heart is Snake on nokia.com. I wish I could implant that game in my hand so I could play it everywhere I went and I would never have to recharge it cause it would run off my own body's energy. Wow, I am so weird.

luv, steph

p.s.- I have noticed that I can't write a deeply serious and touching diary entry. Notice how I started out in the right direction, but stopped. I think I need help with that.

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