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Waiting Over Here









2002-06-27 || 11:06 a.m.

OK, I am not in a good mood today. Work sucks. People are mean. I refuse to make anymore phone calls today. Instead, I will waste my time bitching to my diary and playing games on Nokia.com.

We finally move tomorrow. It is weird moving out of a house that I have lived in my whole life. But, it is for the best. My mom will be happier in a nice, small house. It is kind of weird preparing for your mother to get old and live by herself. I am glad she found some friends at work so, maybe, she won't be that loney. She also has Simon, the greatest puppy in the world!

Coming home after college sucks because you realize why you left. Then you have to replay those reasons everyday you are home. I guess I am just bitter about my job. I hate rude people. I especially hate sales and marketing. The one thing I learned by working here is that I will never, NEVER work in that field. I need something more creative and less competive. But, I already kind of new that. I just really needed a summer job.

How much longer tell I go back to San Fran and back to my nice, stress-free library job? Oh, yes, 53 more days. That is less then 2 months.

I hope that this weekend goes ok. I just need one day where something doesn't go wrong.

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luv, steph

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