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Waiting Over Here









2002-06-26 || 9:03 a.m.


I CAN NOT believe I forgot about my online diary! Thanks to Wes and Andrea, I will now add a new entry. I know they will piss their pants now.

So, I am working 8:30-5 every weekday now. The corporate business is treating me well, but, most importantly, I am making a butt load of money. How mich did I make in one week? I don't know cause I don't think I can count that high! No, I joke. Plus, I get bonuses. That settles my student loans.

I can't believe I haven't written more diary entries over the past few weeks. All I do at work is sit at a computer and call people. I am making a new goal: post new diary entries!

The only other thing that is going on in my life is moving. Hopefully, HOPEFULLY, we will be moving on Friday.

I can't really think of little events that have happened to me recently. Those are really the best things to write about. Oh, I thought of something!

Ok, so hanging out at Virgin Megastore is fanastic. It is free, you listen to good music, and you can win free stuff! They were doing a little in-store givaway ruffle the other night and I won a bad hard rock cd and postcards. Whatever, it is FREE stuff! Free is my middle name. I love it. Virgin is just so cool.

Ok kids, more to come! (I promise)

luv, your corporate mama

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