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Waiting Over Here









2002-06-26 || 2:18 p.m.

Ok, I finally did it! Enjoy!

My List of 101 Things I Like:

(1) Brit Pop

(2) Being young and foolish

(3) Coldstone ice cream

(4) Dreamery ice cream

(5) Living in a dorm

(6) college friends

(7) making money

(8) drag queens

(9) thrift store shopping

(10) chai tea

(11) San Fran

(12) independence

(13) Simon

(14) dusk

(15)listening to the right music, at the right moment

(16) independent films

(17) funny online cartoons (school bus!)

(18) Google search engine

(19) Being a good hostess

(20) Spongebob Squarepants

(21) my favorite movies

(22) email

(23) free stuff

(24) Halloween

(25) Strip nights

(26) vodka and red bull

(27) lists

(28) cable

(29) Jon Stewart

(30) Spin

(31) Entertainment Weekly

(32) birth control

(33) 24 Hour Fitness

(34) painting

(35) taking pictures

(36) British accents

(37) memories

(38) creating funny song titles

(39) making a fool of myself

(40) having "goals"

(41) reading

(42) crushes (the innocent kind)

(43) crying and laughing at the sametime

(44) coffee houses

(45) San Fran apartments

(46) the city at night

(47) Thunder From Down Under

(48) when my friends hang out on my couch

(49) dying hair

(50) painting funky toe nails

(51) the 90s

(52) my planner

(53) reciting funny lines from Will and Grace

(54) recovering on Sundays

(55) Dane Cook

(56) my sister

(57) my mom (old lady)

(58) concerts

(59) my birthday (remember: July 20)

(60) trust

(61) being alone in a movie theater

(62) Virgin Megastore

(63) clean bathrooms

(64) things that glow

(65) raves

(66) change

(67) Starbucks

(68) visiting people

(69) eyes

(70) piercings

(71) TJ Maxx

(72) Ross' shoes

(73) peeing

(74) scarfs

(75) my style

(76) decoring

(77) Rodeo Marge and her Pharmaceutical Adventures

(78) pills (ie painkillers)

(79) laughing

(80) slipping in the snow (ie Mt. Charleston)

(81) techno music

(82) lunch break

(83) Conan

(84) helping others out

(85) road trips

(86) eating at fun restaurants

(87) diet raspberry ice tea mix

(88) freshly shaved legs

(89) Fall time

(90) completing a task

(91) ebay

(92) media studies

(93) the alphabet

(94) psychology

(95) flirting

(96) French

(97) finding things you forgot about

(98) my boobs

(99) foriegn words

(100) wet tongues (101) rice a roni

*all of these items are subject to change in due time

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