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Waiting Over Here









2002-06-07 || 11:58 p.m.

Ok, it is time to get some focus in my life. I really haven't done much since I came home from college. I have made excuses about my laziness because, damn it, I worked hard these past months. But almost a month of being lazy is enough. Once I start this job, I don't think I will have time to do anything. Now I am worried about the hours I will be working. I guess, since I haven't been doing much now, I won't be missing much when I start working.

Ok, to get me "motivated", I am going to write a list of things I need to do.

-Hmmm, I need to go to the bank.

-I should organized or "clean" my clothes that are placed in selective places around the house.

-get some ass (this somehow always ends up on my "to do" list, too bad there isn't a name to go after "to do" hahaha...ok, back to business)

-finish my paperwork for the corporate job (aka "the enemy" Damn the man!)


ok, that seems like enough. At least for tomorrow. They sure aren't goals, but they will get me through the day. I have a feeling I will complete this "to do" list tomorrow! I believe in myself!

luv, steph

p.s.- Damn it! I am already sounding corporate!

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