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Waiting Over Here









2002-06-05 || 9:17 p.m.

So, I got a summer job. Just a few days ago I was about to give up on finding a job that would hire me just for the summer. It is a great opportunity too. I work for Clear Channel (they own almost all radio stations in the nation) in outdoor advertising. Ever wonder who deals with ads on taxis, buses, or trucks? Well, I deal with that stuff now. When every convention comes into Vegas, I find out what companys will be there, call them, and tell them the benefits of outdoor advertising. I also get a bonus when I get someone interested in advertising. I get my own computer and desk, a "real" job. It is a small company too. I am just helping the owner who doesn't have time to research. I don't even know if I am ready to work 8:30-5 every weekday. Sure, it would be a lot of money, but what about my youth? I guess I am just worried about being bored for 9 hours a day (and about passing my drug test :)). Well, it is only for 2 and half more months then back to college life.

Stephanie is now working for enemy, but I do it for sound reasons. I want a great internship in San Franciso and I have to compete with the damn Berkly kids, so I need experience. I also can justify by saying I am "observing" what goes on in big media. Oh, my professor will love me.

ok, night kids! I am off to dream of Jimmy Falon in a speedo...hmmm

luv, steph

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