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Waiting Over Here









2002-05-06 || 11:14 p.m.

Hmmm, Andrea made in interesting point today about our diary entries being the voice-over to the movies of our lives! Then I thought that a television show would be even better! Picture it, each week Stephanie is in a new situation. If only she would learn the first time! Of course, I would have to lie about some parts. It probably won't work either because my life is just too weird. Few people would be able to relate. There goes my dream. Maybe my entries can become a book of interesting thoughts! The perfect coffee table book..."Steph's Thoughts: Her Sad World of Online Entries, Please Read!"

I had the best coffee today. It was Chai-Mocha and it almost gave me an orgasm! Ok, so I just wet myself.

Speaking of orgasms, Thursday, May 9th is Orgasm Day (celebrated in Latin America, but who cares!). So in honor of this day, I need some volunteers. Hot British men, where are you? Do I need to get out my lighter and summon you with my fire of desire? I think I may have too.

luv, steph

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