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Waiting Over Here









2002-05-06 || 12:42 a.m.

Ok, 12 more days tell I am home. 4 more days of actual classes. 8 days tell finals start. I'm really not that stressed. Maybe just a little stressed about packing. Damn, I keep too much stuff. Does toothpaste last forever? I will say yes.

All my big papers were due a few weeks ago. Just have to study and give my final speech on Tuesday. It will rock! I am "spicing up" my visual aid. It will make me laugh and make my audience confused.

Audience- "I didn't know Las Vegas was so close to Yucca Mountain, I am confused with your pictures of dice and glitter"

Me- "Damn you! You need to look at the visual aid!! Focus on how pretty it is!"


I don't know if I am excited about going home. So confused. It is weird to go back home after experiencing so much here. Everything would look so different. Maybe I don't want that change. I know I will be glad to see Wes though. He holds so many memories for me and I know he will never change. When I hear about how he hurts, I wish I was there to hold him. Same with Andrea. I think we all need a big disfunctional group hug! No pain, my friends, no pain... for we will soon be together again!!

luv, steph

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