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Waiting Over Here









2002-04-30 || 11:15 p.m.

I am so sick. My throat is so sore and my sinuses are killing me. I am bound to my bed and feel as though I am going to die. I stayed up last night with a fever and felt so helpless here. Nothing could take the pain away. I couldn't go to work or class today. When I finally made it over to the clinic, they wouldn't give me anything. I have a virus and need to work it out of my system. Damn them! I dragged my ass over there and the least they could have done was given me a painkiller! My friend Margaret helped. She gave me some vodka and carbanated orange juice. That helped to dull the pain away. That stuff should come in pill form. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

luv, steph

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