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Waiting Over Here









2002-04-14 || 4:25 p.m.

AHH! I need to take a break from writing my paper. I am so sick of writing! This entry is probably going to suck do to the fact that my brain can't go on writing clever things. What ever will you readers do?

I went to a French Catholic church this morning. After our BAD experience with the Russian Orthodox church, my friend and I decided that we need to do our religion paper on something else (and it is due in a week-we needed to think fast!). Since we love French, we went to an all-French mass. It was nice. I think the priest didn't like me cause I didn't speak French. I just sat there and dazed off into my own little world. Jimmy Falon is there..hmmm. Little does that priest know that I will be learning French next semester and I will go back and talk to him. Ok, back to the media paper.

luv, steph

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