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Waiting Over Here









2002-04-11 || 9:15 p.m.

Today was relaxing. I was somehow able to write two papers in under an hour. I am getting good. I have a test tomorrow on Judaism. So in honor of my studying, I was listening to Barbara Streisand. No, I really didn't, but we were going to rent Yentl. Hey, it was recommeded by my textbook!

Hmm, Will and Grace really isn't that funny tonight. But I know that Conan will be! It is so sad that I am getting excited about TV to fulfill a need that I am not getting from my homework.

We walked to Haight Street this afternoon and drank coffee at a great little cafe. I love that place, thank God it is a short walk away. We sat outside and watched the fog roll in. The most entertaining part was watching a guy dance to oldies. Ha-ha, I love laughing at my own type of people. Crazy and clueless, but funnier then most.

luv, steph

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